060 087 1037
NCRDC 4201
Frequently Asked questions

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View our most frequently asked questions below.
The debt counsellor must find you over indebted in order for him to proceed with a debt review application, this is concluded by means of your Monthly income VS Monthly basic necessary expenses and Monthly debt repayments. You must have a monthly income.
If married in community of property, then yours and spouse’s salary advice slips, if both should be working.
If married in community of property, then copies of both identity documents.
3-month bank statement if both working.
Statements of all creditors, not older than 3 months.
We at Debt2Credit believe in that a debt review must have a beginning and an end, this can be achieved by working with the debt counsellor, The prescribed time is 60 months or shorter.
Only a Debt Counsellor registered with the National Credit Regulator may assist you in the debt review application.
Yes, the debt counsellor will include the bond and vehicle in the debt review repayment proposal to the creditors.
No, the debt counsellor will inform the National credit regulator of your application and all major Credit Bureaus of your debt review application, to prevent further over indebtness.
The debt counsellor will assess all your credit agreements to ensure that there were no unlawful Credit agreements or Reckless lending which caused your over indebtness.
Yes, the Debt counsellor assigns a payment distribution agent (PDA) that is registered with the National Credit regulator and will provide a statement of all payments made to the creditors.
Yes, payments can be increased when there is affordability, speak to your debt counsellor if you want to make an increased payment.
Copyright © 2023 Africa Direct Debt Review (Pty) Ltd. Registered Debt Counsellor NCRDC 4201